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Non-Deterministic Content
When Sage compiles a volume (into a .sagevol file), it performs some validation to ensure that the compiled volume and the original source generate the same HTML output.

This validation is intended to catch bugs in Sage itself, mainly related to the pretty-printing of Sage source.

However, non-deterministic content poses a problem for this logic. For example…

A random number: [=late]@Random(1000)[end]

The above generates a random number from 0 to 999. When the Sage compiler validates the compiled volume against the original source, by having each one generate HTML, odds are excellent that the two will generate different HTML.

The fix is to wrap the non-deterministic portions in then [wild] tag…

A random number: [wild][=late]@Random(1000)[end][end]

HTML within the [wild] tag will be ignored by the validation logic. Here's the above example in action…

A random number: 267

Non-deterministic content can easily arise from the MiniCalc tags, and the [diagram] tag.


[wild] content is visible to Sage's search features, for better or worse.

Last Modified: 7/19 1:08:04 pm
7/19 1:08:04 pm