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Sage Tag Reference
This table lists all Sage tags, in alphabetic order. The "End?" column indicates whether the tag has a corresponding [end] tag. For more information on a specific tag, use the link in the "Link" column. Consult the Markup article for a full discussion of Sage markup.

Tag Meaning Notes End? Link

! Word Joiner HTML: ⁠ - details

"( Left Curly Double Quote
- details

") Right Curly Double Quote
- details

# Pound Sign
- details

#- Figure Dash HTML: ‒ - details

'( Left Curly Single Quote
- details

') Right Curly Single Quote
- details

* Bullet
- details

+1 Increase Font Size 25%
Yes details

+2 Increase Font Size 25% Twice
Yes details

+3 Increase Font Size 25% 3 Times
Yes details

, Table Cell - details

- En Dash - details

-- Em Dash - details

--- Single Horizontal Line
- details

-1 Decrease Font Size 20%
Yes details

-2 Decrease Font Size 20% Twice
Yes details

-3 Decrease Font Size 20% 3 Times
Yes details

-? Soft Hyphen - details

.. Two Dots - details

... Ellipsis - details

= AsciiMath Notation ~dhi81h{(a-b)/sqrt(x)}dhi81h~ Yes details

=== Double Horizontal Line

- details

=early Evaluate MiniCalc code; process result as Sage Yes details

=late Evaluate MiniCalc code; emit result as raw HTML Yes details

@early Evaluate MiniCalc code at parse time Yes details

@late Evaluate MiniCalc code while generating article Yes details

abbr Explains an Abbreviation samp. Yes details

article Defines a Sage Article Yes details

b Bold Text sample Yes details

box Encloses Content in a Box

First Line
Second Line
Third Line

Yes details

br Line Break - details

br? Word Break Opportunity - details

code Source Code in a Box Yes details

cvgui Link to Code Vault GUI Yes details

cvgui/ Link to Code Vault GUI - details

cvweb Link to Code Vault Web Yes details

cvweb/ Link to Code Vault Web - details

diagram MiniCalc Diagram
%%{init:{"theme":"base","themeVariables":{"fontFamily":"Segoe UI,SegoeUI,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Tahoma","primaryColor":"#202020","secondaryColor":"#400000","tertiaryColor":"#002040","lineColor":"#e0e0e0","primaryTextColor":"#ffffff","primaryBorderColor":"#407FBF","xyChart": {"backgroundColor": "#202020","titleColor": "#ffffff","xAxisLabelColor": "#8CB2D9","xAxisTitleColor": "#8CB2D9","xAxisTickColor": "#8CB2D9","xAxisLineColor": "#8CB2D9","yAxisLabelColor": "#8CD98C","yAxisTitleColor": "#8CD98C","yAxisTickColor": "#8CD98C","yAxisLineColor": "#8CD98C","plotColorPalette": "#D9D98C,#D98C8C,#B28CD9,#D9B28C,#D98CB2,#8CD9D9,#8C8CD9,#D98CD9"}}}}%% graph LR n0[Start] --- n1[Stop]
Yes details

end Terminates Certain Tags - details

error Compile-Time Error - details

file Link to a file on disk or in Code Vault Yes details

file/ Link to a file on disk or in Code Vault - details

fluentsql Fluent SQL Highlighting On/Off Yes details

guru Link to Guru Article Yes details

guru/ Link to Guru Article - details

hdr Table Header Row - details

here Anchor (Can Link to This) - details

hint Compile-Time Hint - details

hl Highlights Text sample Yes details

html Block of Raw HTML Content Yes details

i Italic Text sample Yes details

img Image (URL or Local File) Yes details

include Include Another Sage File - details

indent Indent a Block of Content First Line
Indented Text

Last Line
Yes details

j Join (Do Not Word Wrap) - details

j? Advanced Join - details

kbd Keyboard Font ^ Ctrl+F7 Yes details

kbd/ Keyboard Font ⌥ Alt+J - details

kw Format Text as Keywords sample Yes details

line Thin Line (In Box Tag Only)

First Line
Second Line
Third Line

- details

link Link to Sage Content sample1 Yes details

link/ Link to Sage Content sample1 - details

list Begin a List
  1. First Item
  2. Second Item
    • Nested
    • List
  3. Last Item
Yes details

m Monospace Text sample Yes details

m- Em Dash - details

mathd LaTeX Math (Display) ~dhi81h[a-b \over \sqrt(x)]dhi81h~ Yes details

mathi LaTeX Math (Inline) ~dhi81h(a-b \over \sqrt(x))dhi81h~ Yes details

mathml MathML Notation a-b x Yes details

mermaid Mermaid Diagram
%%{init:{"theme":"base","themeVariables":{"fontFamily":"Segoe UI,SegoeUI,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Tahoma","primaryColor":"#202020","secondaryColor":"#400000","tertiaryColor":"#002040","lineColor":"#e0e0e0","primaryTextColor":"#ffffff","primaryBorderColor":"#407FBF","xyChart": {"backgroundColor": "#202020","titleColor": "#ffffff","xAxisLabelColor": "#8CB2D9","xAxisTitleColor": "#8CB2D9","xAxisTickColor": "#8CB2D9","xAxisLineColor": "#8CB2D9","yAxisLabelColor": "#8CD98C","yAxisTitleColor": "#8CD98C","yAxisTickColor": "#8CD98C","yAxisLineColor": "#8CD98C","plotColorPalette": "#D9D98C,#D98C8C,#B28CD9,#D9B28C,#D98CB2,#8CD9D9,#8C8CD9,#D98CD9"}}}}%% graph LR A-->B{{B}}
Yes details

mlink Monospace Link to Sage Content sample1 Yes details

mlink/ Monospace Link to Sage Content sample1 - details

mref Monospace Ref to Sage Content sample2 Yes details

mref/ Monospace Ref to Sage Content sample2 - details

n- En Dash - details

note Explains an Abbreviation samp. Yes details

online Indicates Content to Omit from Generated .html Files Yes details

plain Plain Text (Ignore Markup) Yes details

pre Preformatted Text (HTML <pre>) Yes details

ref Ref to Sage Content sample2 Yes details

ref/ Ref to Sage Content sample2 - details

reftitle Override an Article's Title for Ref Links Yes details

reftitle/ Override an Article's Title for Ref Links - details

row Table Data Row - details

s Strikeout Text sample Yes details

section Define a Section (Heading) Two details

section/ Define a Section (Heading) Yes details

sub Subscript a3 Yes details

sup Superscript x3 Yes details

tag Tags / Keywords / Search Terms - details

tbl Table Yes details

title Allows Markup in Section Headings Yes details

title/ Use the Target's Title for a Link Caption - details

topic Define a Sage Topic Yes details

TreeCaption The volume's tree caption Yes details

tt Teletype Font
Yes details

u Underlined Text sample Yes details

url Link to External URL sample Yes details

url/ Link to External URL sample - details

v Subscript a3 Yes details

volume Define a Sage Volume Yes details

warn Compile-Time Warning - details

wild Non-deterministic Content 07:30:22.045 pm Yes details

\ Splice (Line Continuation) - details

^ Superscript x3 Yes details

_ Non-Breaking Space(s) x y - details

~ Hyphen followed by Word Joiner HTML: -&NoBreak; - details


  • The [_] tag represents a single non-breaking space. You can include as many underscores in the tag as you like. So, [___] represents three consecutive non-breaking spaces.

  • Sage also supports HTML character entities.

  • A tag beginning with a period, such as [.sql] or [.pas], produces a code sample, highlighted in the syntax of the language specified.

Last Modified: 7/19 1:08:04 pm
7/19 1:08:04 pm