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The command-line Sage compiler (Sage.exe) has an option to generate .html files to disk (along with images).

The [online] tag indicates content that should be omitted from the on-disk documents.

Sensitive information (such as passwords) should be enclosed in [online] tags (or omitted from Sage altogether). The theory being that online Sage documents require the user to be logged in, while the .html files on disk can be shared, uploaded, etc.

For example…

The FTP username is `ralph`[online]; the password is `GreenPolar45`[end].

This produces the following (when serving articles in the web app)…

The FTP username is ralph; the password is GreenPolar45.

But when the same article is saved to disk, the password is omitted…

The FTP username is ralph.

Last Modified: 7/19 1:08:04 pm
7/19 1:08:04 pm