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Main Area
Below the Top Panel, the Main Area of the page, which is divided into three sections: Left, Center, and Right...

Left Panel

The Left Panel is for navigating around in the Sage content hierarchy.

Volume Search

At the top is the Volume Search Edit, used for searching the current volume.

See Search Features for details.

Volume Label

Below the Volume Search Edit is the Volume Label, which shows an estimate of your progress through the current volume. If you are reading an entire volume, from start to finish, this indicates how close you are to finishing.

To the right of the progress estimate, Sage offers two icons: the eye icon toggles the volume's hidden status, and the star icon toggles the volume's favorite status. Hidden volumes will be excluded from the Volumes tree and Search results. Favorite volumes will appear in the top-level Favorites node.

Both of these icons have tool tip hints, to remind you of their purpose. Additionally, the star icon is solid for favorite volumes, and hollow for volumes that are not favorites.

Volume Drop-Down

Below the Volume Label is the Volume Drop-Down, which is where you can find all Sage volumes. Click the downward-pointing triangle do expand the drop-down. You'll see a tree for browsing Sage volumes. At present, the tree has two top-level nodes: "All Volumes" and "Categorized". The former is an alphabetical list of all volumes. The latter is a categorized hierarchy of volumes, organized by department, at the top level. The current volume is indicated with a shaded background. If the topic itself has an overview article, it will be indicated with this symbol: ➤. You can Ctrl+Click on nodes in this tree, to perform an "expand all" or "collapse all" action.

Topic Tree

Below the Volume Drop-Down is the Topic Tree, which shows all topics and articles in the current volume, in a hierarchical fashion. The current topic/article is indicated with a shaded background. Topics that have an overview article are indicated with this symbol: ➤. Clicking on such topics will show the overview article. Clicking on topics without this symbol will simply show a list of the topic's children (articles and/or sub-topics), but these are shown in the Topic Tree itself. You can Ctrl+Click on the expand/collapse arrow (the ">" or "v" symbol) in this tree, to perform an "expand all" or "collapse all" action.

Center Panel

The Center Panel is where articles are displayed. Larger articles will have sections and sub-sections. These are collapsable, using the buttons to the left of the section title.

Right Panel

The Right Panel is for navigating around in the current article.

In This Article

At the top of this panel, is the label "In this article". This label has a "top" link, which takes you to the top of the article.

Sage Markup

Next to this is a button that will show you the Sage markup source code for the current article. This is useful if you want to know where the article is checked into Code Vault, or if you want to see how the article was composed in the Sage markup language.

Section Tree

Below this first line is a tree showing the structure of the current article: sections, sub-sections, etc. Each of these is a link, taking you directly to that part of the article. Additionally, the current section is indicated using a thin vertical line, to the left of the link. For example, in the above screen shot, you can see that we're currently in the second section, named "Task Names". As you scroll through an article, this indicator is updated in real time.

Last Modified: 3/19 3:58:13 pm
In this article (top)  View article's Sage markup
3/19 3:58:13 pm