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Hints, Warnings, and Errors
When writing Sage articles, you may want to leave a note to yourself and other authors. For example, if you know that a section is incomplete, no longer accurate, confusing, etc., then you might consider introducing a warning…

[warn The following is confusing]

The above will cause a warning to appear in the following places:
  • On the preview form in DSEdit,
  • When compiling the volume,
  • When viewing the article.

Ideally, you would fix any issues you find, but a warning is the next best thing, if you don't have time to fully resolve the problem.

Hints are a good choice for maintaining a "to do" list, when working on large articles and volumes…

[hint Research UITs, and discuss them here]

The final type of message is error

[error This file has been retired]

For example, you might use an [error] tag if you retire an include file. Error tags prevent the enclosing volume from compiling: you cannot deploy volumes containing errors.

See Also

Last Modified: 7/19 1:08:04 pm
7/19 1:08:04 pm