Character Entities
Sage offers two ways to express special characters.
To use an HTML character entity in Sage,
write the character entity as you would in HTML
(but without the semi-colon),
and enclose it all in square brackets.
For example, in HTML, you might write…
A × B = ∞
Alternatively, you can use the numeric equivalent
(in decimal or hexadecimal)…
A × B = ∞
A × B = ∞
copied to clipboard
In Sage, you would write…
A [×] B = [&infin]
copied to clipboard
Both of the above produce…
A × B = ∞
A × B = ∞
copied to clipboard
In Sage, you would write…
A [×] B = [∞]
copied to clipboard
Again, these both produce…
A × B = ∞
Sage also offers a variety of mnemonic tags for
common special characters and other HTML tags.
For example:
“Hang on a minute…”, she said. After a long pause, she finally explained: “Doug’s information checks out — except for one important detail.”
["(]Hang on a minute[...][")], she said.
After a long pause, she finally explained:
["(]Doug[')]s information checks out [--]
except for one important detail.[")]
copied to clipboard
Above, the [...] tag denotes an ellipsis,
the [--] tag denotes an em dash,
and the other tags are for various kinds of curly quotes.
The end product is…
“Hang on a minute…”, she said. After a long pause, she finally explained: “Doug’s information checks out — except for one important detail.”
The following chart lists all
Sage Mnemonic Character Entity tags…
Tag | Meaning | Example | Link |
! | Word Joiner (⁠) | - | |
"( | Left Curly Double Quote | “ | - |
") | Right Curly Double Quote | ” | - |
# | Pound Sign | # | details |
#- | Figure Dash | ‒ | - |
'( | Left Curly Single Quote | ‘ | - |
') | Right Curly Single Quote | ’ | - |
* | Bullet | • | details |
- | En Dash | – | - |
-- | Em Dash | — | - |
--- | Single Horizontal Line | | - |
.. | Two Dots | ‥ | - |
... | Ellipsis | … | - |
=== | Double Horizontal Line | | - |
br | Line Break | details | |
br? | Word Break Opportunity | details | |
j | Join (Do Not Word Wrap) | details | |
line | Thin Line (In Box Tag Only) |
First Line Second Line Third Line | details |
m- | Em Dash | — | - |
n- | En Dash | – | - |
_ | Non-Breaking Space(s) | x y | details |
~ | Dash Followed By Word Joiner | - |
⏱ Last Modified: 1/6 11:08:10 am